Friday, May 18, 2012

Shopping second hand for Cloth diapers.

Continuing the starting a cloth diaper stash on a budget series:

I haven't had a bit of luck finding cloth diapers at the thrift store. I'm not sure if they don't take used diapers or if they just sell fast. However I have been able to find cloth diapers at all 3 of the consignment stores I visited. I was specifically looking for fitted diapers, but i found an excellent deal on covers that I couldn't pass up!

This diaper was $6. It came with the insert. Its called Little Biscuits. I tried an Internet search for the manufacturer but was unable to find one. The cover is in awesome shape!

These 4 diapers came in a pack, 4 for $6. Some of them are in better shape then others. But i figured for that price, I can give them a try!

I can use the covers with the prefolds I just bought. Or I can use them over a fitted diaper. Or i can use them with the pieces from tomorrow's post. .  . ;)

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