Friday, January 29, 2010

Thrift store decorations

Its important to me that my house be attractive. Of course I'm on a budget and not willing to pluck down large sums of money for an attractive house. I shop clearance, yard sales, craigslist, and the thrift store for gems. Lets face it there is a lot of unattractive items at the thrift store. But if your patient and check frequently, you can find awesome stuff. (or not so great stuff you fix up yourself, but that is another post)

Hubby and I decided to be bold and paint our bedroom purple. Hubby wanted a darker color then I did and we went with his choice. Which was fine in the summer when we get long hours of daylight, but in the winter its pretty dark in there. I have NO intention of repainting it. My job is to lighten up the feel with accessories. I'm looking for new curtains, and a new comforter. While i wait for those i was super excited to find this:

It was marked $6. Lately I've been trying to buy only thing that are half off that day, and this wasn't. I splurged and paid full price. I added flowers I already had till I can find some (at the thrift store) other ones I like. This piece if HUGE and looks wonderful against the purple. I love it!

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