Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekly date night

We kept date night low key and simple this week. Some weeks we're so tired that all we want to do is crash on the couch. A little snuggling, some soft warm blankets and a comfy couch were just what we needed!

Netflix rental (Backup plan, so funny) $0
Frozen chocolate silk pie $8
2 liter of Cherry Coke $2

Total: $10

Lets say you don't like frozen pies, and you don't have a netflix account. First of all I would recommend at least the minimal netflix account. One movie out at a time is $9 and you get unlimited streaming movies on your computer and XBOX or WII. Worth it.

However if you don't use netflix, check out a redbox dvd. $1 a night with free codes available online. Just take it back the next day! You can also make your own pie or cake for a lot less money then $8 if you watch sales. Same with the coke, we had to buy it at convenience store because our grocery store was out. They had a good sale going on.

The point of date night is to do something special with your spouse on a budget. If you don't like chocolate pie, buy what you do like. If hubby has to have soda, then find a good deal on it. customize date night to be what YOU want it to be. While on budget. :)

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