Thursday, May 17, 2012

Spend money wisely

Continuing the starting a cloth diaper stash on a budget series:

I now had $50 to spend on diapers. I have all pocket diapers except for the 6 all in one diapers. I wanted to buy a different type of diaper. I also wanted to purchase prefolds, and snappis. I could have stalked craigslist for a deal, sometimes there are fabulous deals locally. Or i could have searched a used board for a score. However this time i chose to spend the money on a retail purchase. Just because its a retail purchase doesn't mean I should spend recklessly. I still need to think through the purchase and try to get the most for my money. Here is what I did:

A wonderful online store is having a deal on flip diapers. Buy 2, get 1 free. That brings the total price per diaper to $9 each. My goal is $10 or less per diaper. Perfect. I wanted some better quality prefolds but i'm not quite ready to spend $10 on a prefold. I went for the $2 indian prefolds. I may use these as a diaper but i doubt it. I'm guessing they will be used mainly as an insert. I wanted to buy hemp inserts but at $5.95 all I could afford was 2. If my budget was super tight i would stop buying right here. However my budget has a bit of wiggle room so I scooped up 2 snappis at $3.95 each. (i did manage to find diaper pins locally. But I'm so worried I'm going to poke my chubby wiggly 10 month old that i never use them)

1 x Buy 2 Get 1 FREE!Flip: One-Size Diaper Cover = $27.90
Cover 1 Blossom - Snaps
Cover 2 Blossom - Hook/Loop
Free Cover Zinnia - Snaps
1 x Snappi Cloth Diaper Fastener = $3.95
Color Purple
1 x Snappi Cloth Diaper Fastener = $3.95
Color Pink
2 x Hemp Babies Little Weeds55% Hemp, 45% Certified Organic Cotton = $11.90
5 x Indian Prefold Cloth Diapers = $10.00
Size Premium
Sub-Total: $57.70
Shipping and Handling (ECONOMY): $0.00
Sales Tax: $4.00 (this company has a store in my state)
Total: $61.70

I ended up spending $11.70 out of pocket and $50 from the sale of my Ergo.

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